Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah

As 2005 winds down I am once again amazed at how fast goes the passage of time.
There is a sign posted on the stall room door in the Mad House. It reads “They can always hurt you more but they can’t stop time”. It’s a grim reminder of how demanding and grueling this job can be both physically and emotionally, it’s also derogatory. Such as the resident who complains of the patient who “dropped his pressure on me”, as if it was something he was consciously in control of. It’s like this blog, mis-directed anger written in a comical and sarcastic fashion.
One year and four months later I am still writing. This blog has allowed me to vent my anger and my frustrations. It has been a medium through which I have been able to connect with some of my readers and establish new friends. And it has allowed me to write, something I enjoy. Also, I was able to share with you my experience of an internal medicine doctor. It is something I will be able to reflect upon later on.
The holidays are upon us. Christmas is here. I am late with my warm wishes but that has never stopped me before.
It’s been an opportunity to read up on what I’ve written over the last year. I thought of including a top ten list. Reading some of the entries I was amused at my sense of humor. It’s not too bad, wouldn’t you say? I can write too. No wonder you read this blog.
Reflecting upon my blog is sort of funny. I was able to review some of my insane attempts at gathering readership. These included, but are not limited to, my blog parodies and my Gray’s anatomy reviews. They were entertaining but exhausting and I will never commit to staying up until 11 pm on a regular basis, during a medical residency, again.
But there was more. Remember the traveling story, or the introduction of the Madman that stands above, or the one before him.
I realized that during summer I shouldn’t write. For one, I don’t feel like it (During August I had two entries, both two lines long) and also I don’t write well when I want to get out.
But for now I will continue writing. Because I love to.
Mad House Top 10 of 2005: (as chosen by the Mad House Madman)
Recommendations for Personal Statements
A guide to AMA. And follow up.
Room 422
Problem Solved
A Small Percentage
Dangerous, Do Not Touch
And of course not a post, but, by far this is my most favorite entry this year.
Most of the wonderful comments you guys made have been erased by my attempts with Blogger/Haloscan/blogger. I'm sorry for that.
Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
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