The Lines Intersect

Future Intern has blurred the lines. Some of the latest mishaps in my ICU (usually at 3 am):
Conversation 1:
Nurse: Doctor, mister Jones blood pressure is 80/40.
Groggy, Tired Me (GTM): What is it again?
Nurse: Eighty over forty
GTM: Give him four ounces.
Nurse: What?
GTM: Similac, give him four ounces.
Conversation 2:
Nurse: Mr. Jones is agitated
GTM: Did you check his diaper?
Conversation 3:
Patient: Doc I’m having trouble sleeping at night
GTM: Do you take a bath before sleep time?
Patient: What?
GTM: Try a bath and THEN take the bottle.
I need more sleep.
Update: That last patient started sleeping a lot better now that he takes a bath before sleep time.
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