Sunday, May 08, 2005

We are Family. Happy Mother's Day ,and an Unfortunate Unhappy One

Over these last 8 months I've had the chance to interact with many of you over this blog. Many of the names on my blogroll are not simply people I read, they're people I've emailed and kept in touch with.

So, First, the bad news and then the good:

Shrinkette just lost her mother in law on mother's day. She wrote a post about it here. her email is . She sounds pretty shaken up, please drop her a line.

Second: I would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there. All of you mothers are unbelievably special. and to those of you who have a mother and do not appreciate it enough. Take my word on it, when you're up at 3 am changing diapers and feeding your own baby, you'll finally get it!

Dear Wife and new MOM: I LOVE YOU. Happy mother's day babe! (Jordan)

Dear MOM (who never reads this blog): You ARE the BEST