Sunday, May 29, 2005

Books for Sale: Look, I’m like Barnes and Nobles

Those of you who have read this blog for some time now have witnessed my pathetic wining at the debt I’ve accumulated studying to be a physician. Likewise, my sad attempts at making a few dollars off this venture have brought you to the brink of nausea. Those who remember my humble beginnings with a blue template remember the Google ads that did nothing more than dirty my up my blog. Since the ads were guided by keywords they continually pitched “Residency Finders”. Too bad not enough foreign med students trying to find residencies read this blog. That whole attempt at profit grossed me exactly no dollars and no cents. Let’s call it “Unsuccessful”.

Now, I am trying once more but this time with something that makes slightly more sense. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve installed an Amazon search box on this page. Its right below that long link list on your left (Go ahead, scroll down). Above the search box I’ve also listed a few of my favorite books. I thought I’d take this opportunity to try and pitch you some of these. If you like reading this blog I have no doubt you will love these books.

This book is a compendium of essays written by Atul Guwande”. Guwande is a surgeon and a master writer. In this book he writes about his experiences during residency. Each experience is a gateway into a discussion that explores the power and the limits of medicine. His writing is superb and he will give you a first hand view of what goes through a physicians mind when the going gets rough. That’s when one encounters “Complications”.

I highly recommend this book.

The House of God
To the medical personnel reading this blog I think this book really needs no introduction. If you like reading this blog, which began with a set up very much akin to the House of God, you will LOVE this book. It’s an extremely telling satire comedy about the state of medicine in the 1970’s. It’s funny, sad, emotional and a great read. It’s a book you won’t be able to put down without finishing.

I often make references to it and I’m sure that those who haven’t read it are left puzzled as to what my intentions are. This is your chance. This book is the bible of medicine and often gets quoted in actual practice, usually as a punch line, but nonetheless is a must read!

To the medical students or residents who have not taken the time to read this novel, SHAME ON YOU!

Tarascon Internal Medicine and Critical Care Handbook
The absolute best pocket guide for any intern or resident. It has everything you will need to know on an emergent basis. The rest can be studied on UpToDate.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
This book is just a big’ol drug trip! After a long call, this book will do it for you.

Well, that’s my pathetic attempt at selling books. Again I’m reminded of why, after getting fired from my third sales position, I realized my true calling is medicine. I plan on changing them intermittently, whenever I get inspired to recall another great novel I finally bothered to pick up.

If none of these books picks your interest, well, just use the search box to find whatever you would like to buy. Of course, you can always go to Amazon and cut me out of the action. But, really, the price is no different there and that just means Amazon gets all the money. Why would you ever do that?

In case this doesn’t work I may just have to put one of those pathetic “Donate” boxes from Paypal on this blog. But that would be a real low and no one really wants to see me go there.